Monday, September 21, 2009

♥Contigo en la Distancia♥

Contigo en la Distancia IS THE 1ST SPANISH SONG I LEARNT...NO LIE....
BTW, David Archuleta sang Contigo en la Distancia at Alma Awards!!!
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard!!!
This song was written in 1922 by a Cuban songwriter....
It has been covered by Luis Miguel, Christina Aguillera and David, among others...
David is so good with steamy, smokey, soulful, bluesy songs in any languages!!!
Gosh, David Archuleta's VOICE warms my soul n His soul warms my heart n He makes me BREATHLESS..
♥...I m so Proud to be his Fan...♥
I have been watching it again and again...
Okkk,You Guys Should Watch it Out n Hope you enjoy It!!!

Contigo en la distancia(With you at distance)
No existe un momento del dia(There’s no such moment of the day)

En que pueda apartarte de mi(That could drift you apart from me)

El mundo parece distinto(The world seems different)

Cuando no estas junto a mi(When you’re not by my side)
No hay bella melodia (There’s no beautiful song)

En que no surjas tu (In which you don’t appear)

Ni yo quiero escucharla (I don’t want to listen it .)

Si no la escuchas tu ( If you don’t)
[1] Es que te has convertido (You have become)

En parte de mi alma ( Part of my heart )

Ya nada me consuela (Nothing comforts me anymore)

Si no estas tu tambien (If you’re not by my side.)
Mas alla de tus labios (Far beyond your lips)

Del sol y las estrellas ( Of the sun and of the stars )

Contigo en la distancia( With you at distance )

Amado mio estoy(My beloved one, I am.)
Contigo en la distancia( With you at distance )

Amado mio estoy, ohContigo( My beloved one, I am, ohWith you )