"With deep regret, we have to inform you, that the “David Archuleta Live in Singapore 2011″ concert scheduled for November 19th had to be postponed indefinitely due to unforeseen circumstances.
If you already purchased tickets, please contact Gatecrash.com.sg for refunds.
David and his team are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and disappointment caused."

November 19th is suppposed to be a great day. but now Im completely senseless. I got no feelings left. Im supposed to hang out with All These international Archies. but now Ive to force to say goodbye and Adios to the go-getters. LMAO.
Ive fricken booked my flight ticket. and whatever.
Im waiting for the concert to be rescheduled. I'll 100% stand by David no matter what. We Love you. Archuleta.
Should I get my refunds or hold on to the ticket until the finalised date? Idk what to do with my life now. lol. Im done. I need to get A PART TIME JOB. like seriously.
Okay. David just finished shooting for the “Wait” music video in Hong Kong. well. Last week.
I just Can’t wait to see the finished product!
Omg. Have you heard of that song WAIT? omfg. If you havent. You should kick your own ass.

Hong kong. Did I ever mention How much I love hong Kong? oh Lord.
David + Hong Kong = Holy Moly. I love this shit.

The Music Director Of Wait is pretty famous in Hong kong. LMAO. He's Zhoung Wen rong? If Im not mistaken. But whatever. I LOVE THIS SONG TO PIECES.
and I cant wait to catch him live again.
Okay Stop Saleisha. Sorry for fangirling around. Ciao.